- ensuring every player has a Hockey Medical completed and kept on hand at every game.
- It is suggested to ask at the beginning of the year, how many socks will need to be purchased, collect a list and payment and forward it to the RMHA Equipment manager and they will ensure you get the socks needed. Rush socks can be purchased for $20 for knit pairs and $30 for dri-fit socks. All 1st-year players receive their first pair of socks for free.
- Team list with contact information and ensure your coach and call parent have a copy.
- Every player has a copy of the schedule when it comes out and is aware of practices and exhibition games. Can be posted on the website, with your team login name and password that you received from the RMHA Secretary.
- There is no league for U7 or U9, the manager is responsible for booking games.
- Contact the RMHA Secretary to get your teams username and password.
Enter your team Roster and Coaching Staff along with all email addresses onto the website.
Once email addresses are entered managers can mass email the entire team, through the mail tab at the top of the page.
This will ensure you receive tiering and game information.
-Contact RMHA registrar to receive a pdf copy of your teams HCR and upload it onto the website prior to any games. Keep a copy for the team, you may be asked to prove that players are on your team.
Your RMHA Register must add all affiliate players to your HCR, your Governor must approve all affiliates before they play in any playoff games.
For all NEAHL Manager Guidlines please refer to their website via this link- Manager Handbook
Back to TopInput the name, email address, and phone number of the coaching and managerial staff, and players.
Move the mouse over the ~Players header, and click ~Add Single on the drop down menu.
Add all names and jersey numbers, and email addresses. Ensure OV- overage, and AP - Affiliate players are labeled on the roster click ~Submit
Move the mouse over the ~Staff header. Add each staff that is listed on the HCR Roster. Ensure there is contact information for multiple staff.
Each team is required to have their team staff and contact information inputted into the website as soon as you have your first practice. Having player email addresses ensures that they receive important information regarding fundraising, events etc.
Practices will be entered at the beginning of the year, it is the manager's responsibility to add/ delete/ change all practice dates/ times for your team.
Click on ~Practices ~View select your team ~Submit
All practices will be visible. ~Edit on the practice you would like to change. ~Delete on the practice you want to delete. (Only change and delete practice information after confirming with the ice scheduler (ice@redwaterminorhockey.ca)
You can check the check box to email the entire team of the change to the practice.
Exhibition, Provincial, and Tournament games can be entered and view on the team website.
~Games ~View - managers can view all league games that have been scheduled by NEAHL Hockey League. From here managers can verify, enter game sheet.
V - verify the Egamesheet information that has been entered after an away game (verify that the information that has been entered on the Gamesheet app is exactly the same as the copy of the gamesheet that you were provided with at the game)
A Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) Roster can be obtained by contacting the RMHA Registrar prior to playing their first pre-season game. Typically the registrar will email the HCR Roster to you, but you may have to contact them. It is the responsibility of each team to update this roster anytime there is a change in the team dynamics.
HCR Rosters must:
- produced on Hockey Canada's website and added to the NEAHL website by home association registrar
- MUST be current
Each teams homepage can be personalized for your needs. Eg - Scorebox schedule, announcements etc.
Managers can mass email the entire team so everyone is up to date. Once you have all the parents and staff's email addresses added on the website, click ~Pages. Home will appear ~Edit Managers can change and type any new information that you would like to share with your team. ie: Timebox schedule , Jersey parent needed, tickets due.
Mailer is used to send out mass emails to your parents and players. You can either send out an email to the email addresses that you inputted when you added your players or send a News which will send out an email to everyone on your team and add the body of your email to the homepage for everyone to see every time they login into your team page.
~Mailer ~Email Categories ~Add New select current season, then add Category Name (if one doesn't already exist) ie: Parents and Players ~Submit If one already exists, you can edit the name to have the current season then ~Submit
~Mailer ~Email Categories ~Contacts the current season's Parents and Players category. Open the Team Staff - check all, Open Players - check all ~Submit this will save all email addresses to the Players and Parents category, so when you send an email it will be sent to everyone.
~Mailer ~Compose Email Choose the Parents and Players category, type in the subject of your email, Enter your text into the body of the email. ~Send Copy and paste does not work well in this feature, it works best if you type new.
The news button can be used to send out an email to everyone in your tier and that same message and will be posted on the division/tier, Home Page. After you have entered your Parents and Players category, the news will email everyone on that list and post to your homepage.
Click on ~News - Add News Article
-enter the title of your message
- Check the Email Entire Team- If you want it emailed to everyone in your tier
- Leave Blank - If you want it posted on your tier Home Page only
Type message - Submit - This can be edited at any time.
****IMPORTANT for all managers other than U7 & U9
For instructions on managerial duties with NEAHL Hockey League refer to the Managers Guidelines Page for instructions.
http://www.neahl.ca/ ~Team & Manager Website Guide
Team administrators have the ability to add events to their websites. Events will show up highlighted on the calendar. Team administrators have the option to send events to their team when they create the event. Clicking on the highlighted events in the calendar will bring up the events page where the event details can be viewed.
To Add an Event:
1. Select “Events”
2. Select “Add Event”
3. Enter the event name
4. Enter the Start Date. Select the “All Day Event” box if applicable.
5. Enter the start time
6. Enter the End Date
7. Enter the End time
8. Check the “Email Entire Team” box if you want the system to email this event to everyone who has email addresses entered in the system.
9. Enter any applicable information in the main content area.
10.Click “Submit”. 1
1.Select “Done” if you’re finished or select “Add Another” if you wish to add more events.
For more detailed instructions download the manual
Labels In this area administrators can print labels for their gamesheets.
The labels are formatted for Label Size 2” x 4” (Printed Landscape - 4” x 2”)
Brand Avery 08923.
To Print Labels:
1. Go to “Export” from the Team Main Menu.
2. Select “Labels” from the dropdown menu.
3. Select “Download Labels”
4. A popup window will appear asking you if you wish to save, or open the file. Open the file with Microsoft Word.
5. When Word launches and opens the document, Print the document onto your labels.
Managers fill out the Egamesheet, get the Head Coach to sign it for every game. For home games you are responsible for using our tablet and taking it to the other team to fill out and sign, then take it to the time box.
Managers are to fill out the Egamesheet prior to each game, make sure all information is filled out, including the game number, cross out any players that will not be on the ice that day. A Coach must verify each game sheet by signing below the names.
Please put the following letters beside the appropriate player if it applies - Affiliated player - AP, Overage player -OA.
It is the managers responsibility to ensure game sheets are filled out properly with all goals, assists, shots on net (U11 and higher), change of goalie, correct time and offence for penalties etc. A game sheet tutorial can be found here or on the RMHA website
Game sheets must be uploaded and stats entered into the website within 48hr after each game. If suspensions are issued or issues arise during a home game, make sure the information on the game sheet (penalties etc) and Referee's Incident Report are done correctly before faxed to your Tier Governor.
According to Hockey Alberta U9 and U11 do not designate goaltenders. NEAHL Hockey League does not require goalie shots to be recorded at the U9 Level, but are required for the U11 level and up. Shots for goalies are compared to goals for players, so please educate your volunteers to do their best to keep accurate records for every player on the ice.
A shot on goal is any shot that enters the net or any shot that would normally have entered the net if not stopped by the goalie. Shots that deflect off the posts or crossbar and stay out of the net are not counted as shots on goal. The number of shots and whether a shot puck counts as a shot is determined by the person running the clock only. Shots cannot be changed on the Egamesheet.
Shots are the total number of shots taken on the goalie, which include the goals that went in.
If a league game needs to be changed, you must make arrangements with the other manager and find a suitable date with the RMHA ice scheduler, then refer to the Manager Guidelines for proper protocol.
Rescheduling of Ice Times within RMHA (practices)
RMHA advises that all coaches and managers wanting to swap ice with another team go directly to the other teams manager. Once an agreement has been made with both teams, and email to the ice scheduler, and cc the manager of the other team involved (for tracking purposes) advising them of the change. The ice scheduler will then adjust it on the RMHA Calendar.
Additional Ice
It is the managers responsibility to talk to other managers and negotiate and swap practice /game times. Once both parties are in agreement. Available ice can be found on the website "Ice Availability" once you click book, it will send a notification to the RMHA ice scheduler. It is your responsibility to touch base the ice scheduler to ensure everything is completed. If an email of the change is not received by the Ice Scheduler and RMHA is charged for unused ice time THE TEAM initiating the change will be responsible will be billed for the unused ice. Then fill out 1660 Notice of Game Change Form if needed
Ice Scheduling - Please see the Ice Availability tab on the home page
Ice Cancelations:
RMHA advises that all ice cancelations be emailed to the ice scheduler as soon as you are aware. Any ALL ICE CANCELLATIONS must be discussed with the ice scheduler. Any ice slots not canceled WILL BE charged back to the team. Weather is the exception. ice@redwaterminorhockey.ca
Short Notice Ice:
From time to time ice becomes available throughout the season on short notice. The RMHA Ice Scheduler does his/her best to provide as much notice as possible of the extra ice and it will typically be on a first come first serve basis. The Ice Scheduler does reserve the right to allocate this extra ice as fairly as he/she sees fit.
Ice Returns:
It goes without saying that Ice is of a premium.
Teams are expected to make every effort to use the ice allotted to them. If it is not needed please try and give the ice scheduler as much notice as possible. RMHA will be charged 100% of the ice from November - February.
No-Shows :
Teams leaving ice open will be charged the entire cost of the ice, including referees if applicable.
Weather related issues will be considered.
Please do not leave these to the end of the season, reschedule as soon as possible.
Booking away tournaments at the end of January and into February is highly discouraged as makeup games at this time of the year are extremely difficult to re-schedule as the available ice is limited due to playoffs and Provincials.
Keep in mind with any ice scheduling changes for your games you may need to cancel referees.
As soon as the new schedule is released the ice scheduler will start arranging the referee's that are needed.
If you plan on changing any of you league home games, or booking an exhibition game, please let the Referee Coordinator know so she can reschedule the referee's accordingly. ref@redwterminorhockey.ca
All games that are to be assigned officials come to the referee coordinator through the ice Coordinator. Teams are not to be contacting assignors directly in regards to assigning officials as this may lead to confusion between what the ice allocator has sent and what teams may be sending. This will allow the coordinator to effectively manage the assignments if the information is only coming from one source.
Be aware of cancelation policies for games. The coordinator requires 48 hours notice to cancel games, so you may want to give the coordinator notice 72 hours before the game to be canceled as so it travels the proper channels to the coordinator.
Failure to give 48 hours notice will result in your team being charged for officials as assigned.
NOTE: This is not in effect for playoffs as the next scheduled game may be inside that 48-hour time frame. During playoffs we only ask that as much notice is given as possible.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about officials in RMHA, please contact the RMHA Referee coordinator directly through the email address posted on the RMHA website. The RMHA Referee coordinator will follow through with your email with the appropriate action.
Please let it be known that there are both supervision programs in place to ensure that officials are developing at an appropriate rate and that they are working assignments within their capability, and accountability measures in place for officials who are deemed to be breaking the Officials Code of Ethics.
We ask that you do not voice your opinions during the game to the officials, but that you contact the RMHA Referee coordinator with your concerns and the RMHA Referee coordinator will respond to your concerns in the appropriate manner.
Please remember that minor hockey is also for developing officials as well, so just like players and coaches, officials may make mistakes at times as well.
Coaches, and any team staff member or parent are not permitted to contact any Zone 2 or Hockey Alberta officials directly. The normal protocol is to notify your RMHA Referee coordinator of any issues and they will bring them to the attention of the appropriate Zone 2 or HA reps. This is at the request of Hockey Alberta in order to keep phone calls and e-mail to them manageable.
Referee Incident Report book is located in the Ref Room, they are confidential, including coaches.
Please assist our young referees in completing the game sheets and incident report forms are filled out correctly by ensuring their referee ID number is located on the form, rule offence numbers are added and all information corresponds correctly to the Egamesheet.
Once an incident report has been issued for one of our players, the manager of the impacted teams managers responsibility to complete an incident report form. One form per each impacted player (If there is a fight, each team manager needs to fill out a form for their player). The home manager uploads the electronic. pdf, .jpg version of the incident report, then fill out the form with the information from the completed Incident Report.
Home manager will email a copy of the incident report to the Disciplinary Coordinator.
- Gathering of reluctant player history data (medical forms), ensuring they are kept on hand and accessible at every game
- Obtaining travel permits, sanctions for any tournament or exhibition game outside of Home ice.
- Organization of parent meetings
- Supervise and monitor collection of money and fundraising- Present financial statement to the Parents and RMHA if requested
- Arrange for additional ice and officials for exhibition games
- Notify ice scheduler a minimum of 5 days prior to any ice changes,
-Confirm scheduled away games
-Overseeing the Call Parent, Jersey Parent, 50 / 50 parent, Time box and penalty box parent for scheduling, or a manager can choose to fulfill these task on their own.
The Jersey Parent is responsible for both home and away jersey's, and jersey bags. If you team chooses to split this role between 2 parents then they are both equally responsible for the set of jersey's in their possession. Please ensure jerseys are washed and if repairs are required, bring it to the attention of the RMHA Equipment Manager. Please wash in cold water, turned inside out and hung to dry or dried on a cool cycle.
Please do not make alterations to jersey’s (eg: number, size) without contacting the RMHA Equipment Manager.
White Jerseys are for home, and Black are for away, it is the home teams responsibility to change.
• Coaches/managers are responsible for goalie equipment, sweater bags, extra team jerseys, first aid kits, pucks and game sheets being returned. This can be requested by RMHA’s Equipment Manager. Please give him as much notice as possible, as he is not always available.
• all team uniforms are provided by RMHA, and remain the property of RMHA, under the direction of the Equipment Manager. These are to be used for all league, playoff, and exhibition games. These items are not to be used as practice equipment.
• uniforms and equipment will be assigned to each coach in accordance with established procedures. The Coach/Manager is responsible for in season care and return at season’s end. Any needs or concerns regarding equipment/uniforms are to be brought to the attention of the Equipment Manager.
Equipment maintenance:
• If you have sweaters, bag or goalie equipment that is in need of repair, and cannot be repaired by someone on your team, please contact the Equipment Manager.
• Please ensure sweaters are washed prior to taking them in for repairs.
• Please have all sweaters washed in cold water turned inside out and repaired prior to summer storage.
• Please do not make alterations to sweaters, (i.e. number changes, size alterations), without first contacting the equipment manage.
A schedule for two parents to work the time clock, Egamesheet, and penalty box is suggested for all home games.
Instructions on running the time box and Egamesheet are located on the homepage under Parents
• Each Teams Manager is accountable for the management of team funds. The responsibility for the bookkeeping can be delegated to a person designated as the team treasurer. The information contained in this document should be communicated to all parents on teams.
• Each team will be given a team bank account, in the team name, separate from any personal funds of anyone on the team.
• Each team must have two signing authorities, who cannot be spouses of each other.
• Each team must maintain a set a set of financial records.
• Bank accounts should be reconciled on a monthly basis.
• Details of 50/50’s, raffle and tournament prize winners must be kept and submitted at year end to the Treasurer.
• Any issues or concerns over team finances should be communicated in writing as soon as possible to the President or Treasurer for investigation.
Teams must establish a team budget in order that the appropriate amount of fund raising can be achieved. For reference prior teams income/expense statements should be made available.
Any fund raising done by team participation (i.e. bottle drive, 50/50’s, square boards, tournament profits) is to be considered team funds and need to be allocated equally to each players account.
RMHA encourages corporations, business and organizations to become sponsors of the RMHA program.
Through out the current season teams may hold a tournament to raise funds for their team. RMHA requires $500 to go to RMHA and the remainder of the profits are to be divided and used equally for all players on your team.
No rebates will be issued until all disbursements have been made relating to the teams’ year including post-season tournaments, final ice bills, referee changes, team windups, etc. Total team expenses must be equally distributed per player. These expenses are deemed to be paid from fund raising money (team plus individual) first and then from out-of-pocket.
• In no case will a refund be given to an individual for more than the actual out-of-pocket cash contributions that they have made to the team
•Travel permits are required for any tournament or exhibition game that your team plays in that are outside of our zone; this includes pre-season games and tournaments. Our zone is Zone #2. Zone #2 does not include Sherwood Park, Edmonton, or St. Albert.
•Travel Permits are not required for league games or Provincial games.
•To apply for a Travel Permit go on-line to the Forms page and click on the required form.
Permit applications must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the game or event to ensure that they can be processed in time. The Request for Travel Permit must include the date and location of the game, and the number of games and tournament sanction number if applying for a tournament.
•A copy of the Travel Permit must accompany the team when traveling and a copy of the game sheet(s) must be faxed to Hockey Alberta upon completion of the game(s).
Special Events Permits are required for any event the team wishes to participate in, including:
• Dry-land Training
• Team Building Functions
• Team Fundraising Functions