Thank you for taking on a leadership role within this community, without volunteers such as yourself the minor hockey program in Redwater could not operate. Your time and efforts required for the upcoming season are very much appreciated.
Coaching minor hockey is a role that can be very rewarding but can also be filled with challenges. The information below was put together in an effort to assist you in the seasons to come.
It is crucial to remember that as a coach you are a role model for the young athletes in this community and that you represent the community through your actions at the arenas.
Your behaviour, either good or bad, will be modelled by your players and represent the community.
Coaching is a privilege and not a right and must always be held in that regard.
Interested in Coaching or being a manager, please contact our registrar through email at or sign up through Hockey Canada Register (HCR) below:
Reminder to all coaches and on ice helpers a coaches application has to be filled out every season.To submit a Coaches Application click HERE.
To participate in coaching or assisting on the ice, you must give your information to RMHA's Registrar so you can be registered.
- Coaches and on ice helpers are required to have a Criminal Records Check done.
- A Criminal Record Check forms must be filled out and approved before handing in RMHA's Secretary. Ensure Box #2 is checked on the form so the appropriate check will be preformed. To download RCMP form click HERE.
Some volunteers may be required to be finger printed don't be alarmed this is a normal procedure that has to be done through the Redwater RCMP. Some record checks could take a few months so the sooner you start the process the better.
- All Coaching certificates must be completed by November 15th.
-For Hockey Alberta's Coach Certification Requirements please click HERE
-Coaches clinics are available now, to find out more information or to register go to or to register.
-All coaches needing to register for coaches clinics can contact the RMHA Registrar at for their hockey Canada number which they will need in order to register for the clinics.
- 1 Safety person per team (must be on the HCR)
- EVERY person on the bench must have the Respect in Sport Coach Nov 15th
- Parent Respect in Sport by Dec 1st.
Our Head Coaches are fully responsible for all of the activities of their team. Delegation of responsibilities to Assistant Coaches, Managers and parents is necessary to have a fun and rewarding year. However, ultimate responsibility for these activities rests with the Head Coach. Supervision is a necessary function of the Head Coach.
Coaches expectations:
• adhere to the Coaches’ Code of Ethics
• operate the team within established Policies and Procedures. (to be posted)
• coach to the needs and skills of individual players, ensuring that each player has the maximum opportunity to develop to their potential
• recognize their responsibilities as leaders, educators and role models for young players.
• Communicate with players, parents, officials and other people with mutual respect and be fair and reasonable. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, or profanity is not condoned.
• be sensitive to parent concerns, and respond accordingly.
• establish regular communication with parents on games, practices, schedules, fund raising, etc.
• recognize that, while hockey may be the major winter activity of the player, it is not the only activity. In priority, it comes after family and educational responsibilities and reasonable accommodation of these other factors is expected.
• commit themselves to the continued development of all players for the full season, once players are selected to a team.
• deal fairly with players at all times. Rewards or considerations to players or parents should be those reasonably available to all members of the team. Coaches should not accept gifts, favors, or other consideration from players or parents or place themselves in a situation where their actions may be compromised because of such considerations.
• ensure proper supervision of the team before, during and after games and practices and accept reasonable responsibilities for the conduct, safety and well-being of their players.
• develop a set of rules for the team which are clearly communicated and enforced equally on all players.
• have a development plan for the season.
• encourage and motivate their players toward enjoyment of the game, team concept, and skill development.
• hold a beginning of season parent meeting, with expectations and goals.
• ensure that the team has adequate support personnel. Eg. Managers etc.
• any concerns regarding officiating of a game should be directed to the Referee Coordinator.
Coach’s Code of Ethics
The good coach believes that their job is to teach hockey, to develop their players, and to put a team that displays good sportsmanship on the ice for every game. The keys to successful coaching are Leadership and Example. The coach points out what is right and wrong, fair or unfair. The coach stresses co-operation with authority and respect for it. How the coach acts is more important than what is said. A coach who is fair, whom respects authority and the efforts of their players, will have a team that works hard for them.
The coach tries to give their team the will to win. The coach wants them to know the pride of winning, as individuals and as members of the team. But, they must also know how to lose like good sports. AND SO MUST THE COACH! A team that plays like this earns friends and respect, everywhere it goes, and so does the coach.
Our coaches must be capable of administering discipline fairly, to the superstar as well as the developing player.
Our coaches must be responsible for their own behaviour. They are leaders and teachers and their actions reflect upon our entire program.
Our coaches must be well organized and prepared, both on and off the ice
No abuse by our coaches to referees will be tolerated. Yelling, screaming, or physical abuse is not the solution to a problem.
A coach or team official that is reported as being inebriated while in his official capacity with the team may be suspended for the remainder of the year.
Remember, coaching is a privilege, not a self-serving obligation, and the positions are not handed out lightly! Treat the position and responsibilities with respect.
Alcohol (Transportation & Tournaments)
Minor Hockey does not allow the consumption of alcohol by any person, player or adult, on or in any vehicle transporting our players. All coaches, managers are responsible for upholding this policy. RMHA will address and deal with any complaints, when we receive a signed letter of complaint. The consequences for the offending party may involve removal, suspension or expulsion. The purchase of a liquor license will not exempt anyone, from the consequences of the no-tolerance policy.
Coaching Code of Conduct
The athlete/coach relationship is a privileged one. Coaches play a critical role in the personal as well as athletic development of their athletes. They must understand and respect the inherent power imbalance that exists in this relationship and must be extremely careful not to abuse it. Coaches must also recognize that they are conduits through which the values and goals of a sport organization are channeled. Thus how an athlete regards his/her sport is often dependent on the behavior of the coach. The following Code of Conduct has been developed to aid coaches in achieving a level of behavior which will allow their athletes in becoming well-rounded, self confident and productive human beings.
Although this code is directed toward coaching conduct it equally applies to other members of the "Team Leadership Staff" ie managers, trainers, equipment personnel etc.. It is assumed that these people act in cooperation with one another to construct a suitable environment for the athlete.
1) Treat everyone fairly within the context of their activity, regardless of gender, place of origin, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political belief or economic status.
2) Direct comments or criticism at the performance rather than the athlete.
3) Consistently display high personal standards and project a favourable image of their sport and coaching.
a) refrain from public criticism of fellow coaches, athletes,officials and volunteers especially when speaking to the media or recruiting athletes.
b) Abstain from the use of tobacco products while in the presence of her/his athletes.
c) Abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages when working with athletes.
d) Discourage the use of alcohol in conjunction with athletic events or victory celebrations at the playing site.
e) Refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language in the conduct of his/her duties.
4) Ensure that the activity being undertaken is suitable for the age, experience, ability and fitness level of the athletes and educate athletes as to their responsibilities in contributing to a safe environment.
5) Communicate and co-operate with registered medical practitioners in the diagnoses, treatment and management of their athletes' medical and psychological problems. Consider the athletes' future health and well being as foremost when making decisions regarding an injured athletes' ability to continue playing or training.
6) Recognize and accept when to refer athletes to other coaches or sport specialist. Allow athletes' goals to take precedence over their own.
7) Regularly seek ways of increasing professional development and self-awareness.
8) Treat opponents and officials with due respect, both in victory and defeat and encourage athletes to act accordingly. Actively encourage athletes to uphold the rules of their sport and the spirit of such rules.
9) In the case of minors, communicate and co-operate with the athletes' parents or legal guardians, involving them in management decisions pertaining to their child's development.
10) Be aware of the many pressures placed on athletes as they strive to balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of their lives and conduct practices and games in a manner so as to allow optimum success.
1) Ensure the safety of the athletes with whom they work.
2) At no time become intimately and/or sexually involved with their athletes. This includes requests for sexual favours or threat of reprisal for the rejection of such requests.
3) Respect athletes's dignity; verbal or physical behaviours that constitute harassment or abuse are unacceptable.
4) Never advocate or condone the use of drugs or other banned performance enhancing substances.
5) Never provide under age athletes with alcohol,never encourage its use.
I have read and understand the above statements and agree to conduct myself in a manner that demonstrates the standards established in the Coaching Code of Conduct and Coaching Code of Ethics.
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Team Finances
Team Financial Responsibilities
• Each Teams Manager is accountable for the management of team funds. The responsibility for the bookkeeping can be delegated to a person designated as the team treasurer. The information contained in this document should be communicated to all parents on teams.
• Each team will be given a team bank account, in the team name, separate from any personal funds of anyone on the team.
• Each team must have two signing authorities, who cannot be spouses of each other.
• Each team must maintain a set a set of financial records.
• Bank accounts should be reconciled on a monthly basis.
• Details of 50/50’s, raffle and tournament prize winners must be kept and submitted at year end to the Treasurer.
• Any issues or concerns over team finances should be communicated in writing as soon as possible to the President or Treasurer for investigation.
· Teams must establish a team budget in order that the appropriate amount of fund raising can be achieved. For reference prior teams income/expense statements should be made available.
Team Fund Raising:
Any fund raising done by team participation (i.e. bottle drive, 50/50’s, square boards, tournament profits) is to be considered team funds and need to be allocated equally to each players account.
Employer Contribution/Sponsorship:
RMHA encourages corporations, business and organizations to become sponsors of the RMHA program.
Through out the current season teams may hold a tournament to raise funds for their team. Funds earned at the tournament are slit between the team and RMHA. Half of the profit is given to Redwater Minor Hockey and half to goes back to the team.
Disbursements of Funds at End of Season:
No rebates will be issued until all disbursements have been made relating to the teams’ year including post-season tournaments, final ice bills, referee changes, team windups, etc. Total team expenses must be equally distributed per player. These expenses are deemed to be paid from fund raising money (team plus individual) first and then from out-of-pocket.
If there is an excess of funds after all team expenses have been paid, the following will apply:
• In no case will a refund be given to an individual for more than the actual out-of-pocket cash contributions that they have made to the team
Funds in excess of out-of-pocket cash contributions will be donated to RMHA for a designated purpose i.e. arena fund, facility improvements.
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Team Forms
Included in this package are templates of:
• Player Medical Form. This must be completed for all players and available at all team functions. The form should be sealed and kept private and is intended to accompany the player if they are required to seek medical attention away from the arena.
• Hockey Canada Injury Report. In the event of an injury this form must be completed in its entirety and then returned to the MSA office. The form is then forwarded to Hockey Alberta. These forms should be kept with you at all team functions.
Travel Permits
Travel permits are required for any tournament or exhibition game that your team plays in that are outside of our zone; this includes pre-season games and tournaments. Our zone is Zone #2. Zone #2 does not include Sherwood Park, Edmonton, or St. Albert.
Travel Permits are not required for league games or Provincial games.
To apply for a Travel Permit go on-line to the Managers Page and click on the required form.
Permit applications must be received at least 2 week prior to the game or event to ensure that they can be processed in time. The Request for Travel Permit must include the date and location of the game, and the number of games and tournament sanction number if applying for a tournament.
A copy of the Travel Permit must accompany the team when traveling and a copy of the game sheet(s) must be faxed to Hockey Alberta upon completion of the game(s).
Special Events Permits
Special Events Permits are required for any event the team wishes to participate in, including:
• Dry-land Training
• Team Building Functions
• Team Fundraising Functions
For information as to what is considered a sanctioned and non sanctioned event go to the Hockey Alberta website:
When applying for a special event permit please ensure that the event description includes as much detail as possible.
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Short Notice Ice
From time to time ice becomes available throughout the season on short notice. The RMHA Ice Scheduler, does his/her best to provide as much notice as possible of the extra ice and it will typically be on a first come first serve basis. The Ice Scheduler does reserve the right to allocate this extra ice as fairly as he/she sees fit.
Ice Returns
It goes without saying that Ice is of a premium.
Teams are expected to make every effort to use the ice allotted to them. If it is not needed please try and give the ice scheduler as much notice as possible. The Town of Redwater is asking for a minimum of 7 days notice, otherwise 100% of the cost will be due and paid by the team.
Teams leaving ice open without proper notice will be charged the entire cost of the ice, including referees if applicable.
Weather related issues will be considered.
Game Re-scheduling
If it is necessary to reschedule league games for tournaments, or provincial play, the team is responsible to work with the Ice Scheduler with as much notice as possible.
Please do not leave these to the end of the season, reschedule as soon as possible.
Booking away tournaments at the end of January and into February is highly discouraged as make up games at this time of the year are extremely difficult to re-schedule as the available ice is limited due to playoffs and Provincials.
Ice Times on the Website
Every effort is made to keep the Ice Schedule up to date on the website but it is not always 100% accurate as changes tend to happen frequently. E-mail confirmation of your team ice allocation and changes will be the most up to date information on your specific teams’ schedule. To book for available ice, check the Available Ice tab on the home page.
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• Coaches/managers are responsible for goalie equipment, sweater bags, extra team jerseys, first aid kits, pucks and game sheets being returned. This can be requested by RMHA’s Equipment Manager. Please give him as much notice as possible, as he is not always available.
• all team uniforms are provided by RMHA, and remain the property of RMHA, under the direction of the Equipment Manager. These are to be used for all league, playoff and exhibition games. These items are not to be used as practice equipment.
• uniforms and equipment will be assigned to each coach in accordance with established procedures. The Coach/Manager is responsible for in season care and return at season’s end. Any needs or concerns regarding equipment/uniforms are to be brought to the attention of the Equipment Manager.
• the official uniform shall be Redwater Rush home and away colours,
Equipment maintenance:
• If you have sweaters, bag or goalie equipment that is in need of repair, and cannot be repaired by someone on your team, please contact the Equipment Manager.
• Please ensure sweaters are washed prior to taking them in for repairs.
• Please have all sweaters washed in cold water turned inside out and repaired prior to summer storage.
• Please do not make alterations to sweaters, (i.e. number changes, size alterations), without first contacting the equipment manage.
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Officials/ Referees
Guidelines for Contacting Officials
All games that are to be assigned officials come to the referee coordinator through the ice Coordinator. Teams are not to be contacting assignors directly in regards to assigning officials as this may lead to confusion between what the ice allocator has sent and what teams may be sending. This will allow the coordinator to effectively manage the assignments if the information is only coming from one source.
Be aware of cancellation policies for games. The coordinator require 48 hours notice to cancel games, so you may want to give the coordinator notice 72 hours before the game to be cancelled as so it travels the proper channels to the coordinator.
Failure to give 48 hours notice will result in your team being charged for officials as assigned.
NOTE: This is not in effect for playoffs as the next scheduled game may be inside that 48 hour time frame. In playoffs we only ask that as much notice is given as possible.
Guidelines for Concerns Regarding Officials
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about officials in RMHA, please contact the RMHA Referee coordinator directly through the email address posted on the RMHA website. The RMHA Referee coordinator will follow through with your email with the appropriate action.
Please let it be known that there are both supervision programs in place to ensure that officials are developing at an appropriate rate and that they are working assignments within their capability, and accountability measures in place for officials who are deemed to be breaking the Officials Code of Ethics.
We ask that you do not voice your opinions during the game to the officials, but that you contact the RMHA Referee coordinator with your concerns and the RMHA Referee coordinator will respond to your concerns in the appropriate manner.
Please remember that minor hockey is also for developing officials as well, so just like players and coaches, officials may make mistakes at times as well.
Guidelines for Hockey Alberta Concerns
Coaches, and any team staff member or parent are not permitted to contact any Zone 2 or Hockey Alberta officials directly. The normal protocol is to notify your RMHA Referee coordinator of any issues and they will bring them to the attention of the appropriate Zone 2 or HA reps. This is at the request of Hockey Alberta in order to keep phone calls and e-mail to them manageable.
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It is extremely important to keep lines of communication open between players and parents throughout the season. It is recommended that every coach has a minimum of 2 formal communication meetings during the season. One at the beginning of the season and one mid season.
It is also recommended to use your Team Manager to provide a means of communication to occur with parents who are uncomfortable communicating directly to the coaching staff.
The Team Manager role is to present the parents’ concerns to the Head Coach and schedule a meeting between the Head Coach (and members of the staff if warranted) and the parents at least 24 hours after the incident occurred. This allows both parties to cool down, so that the problem can be dealt with rationally. For highly emotional issues the 24 hour rule is the recommended first step.
Every attempt to resolve the issue at the team level is encouraged with good communication. If not seek guidance from your RMHA executive.
Coaches are encouraged to enter their teams into the Provincial play downs. This is a great opportunity to represent the community and provide the players with the experience of competing at the provincial level.
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Abide by 1660, Hockey Alberta, and Hockey Canada's Bylaws and Regulations
HCR Rosters
Following Hockey Alberta's procedures, 1660 Hockey League requires that each coach/manager forward a copy of your teams HCR (Hockey Canada) roster to your teams 1660 tier governor prior to league games. (ask our registrar to forward you a copy)
Your tier governor must approve all affiliates for any playoff game. It is also suggested that you email your tier governor prior to league games with the affiliates information.
Pre Game Meeting
The 1660 insists that coaches, on ice officials and off ice officials discuss ice slot length, clock management and frequency of floods before every game. The agreed game management can only be changed by the two coaches and the referee unless unforeseen or special circumstances arise. In this case the referee will have the final say in the game management for the completion of the game. Both the Home and Away coaches are responsible to complete this process. Every 1660 game shall ensure that a minimum of the final 3 minutes (preferably 5 minutes) at the end any game be played stop time (time permitting). This would only be for games where the goal differential is 3 goals or less. Game management agreements must allow for this time and the time may be adjusted to ensure that this is completed to be able to complete this within the allotted time slot.
1660 insists that if a coach attends to an injured player, once you step on the ice you are considered a trainer and not a coach, and no rude comments or gestures will be tolerated. The refs will be requested to give a 2 game suspension.
Home Team Provides All Pucks
All home teams are to provide all game pucks for warm up for both teams. It is suggested that the away team gets 1 more puck than the home.
Referee Compliment and Complaint Form
1660 is please to have a Referee Compliment and Complaint form for all coaches to fill out,
Any teams hosting or going to a tournament needs to bring a copy of the Hockey Alberta team list as it may be required to prove legitimacy of a roster.
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2014-2015 Minor Hockey Coaching Certification Requirements
**NEW FOR THE 2014-15 SEASON** Hockey Canada Approved Bylaw
It is mandatory for all head coaches coaching Atom, Peewee or Bantam teams to complete the Hockey Canada Checking Skills Clinic.
All coaches must complete the appropriate courses by November 15th in order to remain eligible for the remainder of the season. The below chart indicates all required courses based on the age and level of athlete as well as coaching position
Initiation - Intro to Coach (2 team officials)
* Respect in Sport (ALL) , ** Safety (One team official)
Novice - Coach Level (Head Coach)
* Respect in Sport (ALL) , ** Safety (One team official)
Pee Wee - Coach Level (Head Coach) Checking Skills
* Respect in Sport (ALL) , ** Safety (One team official)
Midget - Coach Level (Head Coach) Checking Skills
* Respect in Sport (ALL) , ** Safety (One team official)
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FAQ's - Respect in Sport Coach
What is the Respect in Sport Coach Program? The Respect in Sport Coach Program provides in-depth information on the subjects of bullying, abuse, harassment and neglect in a convenient, safe and easy to comprehend manner.
What is the cost to take the Respect in Sport Coach Program? The cost is $30.00 plus GST per coach.
Is the Respect in Sport Coach Program mandatory?
The Respect in Sport Coach Program is replacing the "Speak Out" program. Hockey Alberta will no longer be hosting face to face Speak Out clinics as of the 2010-11 season. As stated in the Hockey Alberta Bylaws, one coach per team must have their Speak Out (now Respect in Sport Coach Program) before the December 31 deadline.
How does the Respect in Sport Coach Program work in terms of coaching certification?
The Respect in Sport Coach certification is good for 5 years and then re-certification is required. The program is directly linked to Hockey Alberta and Hockey Canada databases so once the program has been completed your HCR record is automatically updated.
Why is this being implemented?
Respect in Sport helps Hockey Alberta promote the "Right Way" concept through this simple and convenient on-line tool. The Respect in Sport Coach Program is being implemented to provide an enhanced sport environment for our children.
How is Respect in Sport implemented?
The Respect in Sport Coach Program is presented as an online curriculum and includes audio/visual presentations.
What equipment is required to complete the program?
All that is required to complete the Respect in Sport curriculum is a computer, an Internet connection, and speakers or a headset. Optional equipment includes a printer to print out your certificate of completion.
What if I don’t have a high-speed connection? The course is designed to be accessible from any computer using dial-up or high-speed internet. Once registered, the user experience is the same at any speed.
What if I don’t know anything about computers? ?
Through extensive research and development, the program was designed, first and foremost, to be user friendly. There is also an on-line “Help” feature and a 1-800 support line available.
Is there a paper version of the program? No, by design. Hockey Alberta is continuously looking for tools that will help us create stronger organizations at minimal cost. Respect in Sport’s online courseware eliminates the need for our organization to absorb printing, mailing and administration costs. Respect in Sport also gives you ongoing access to the course once you’ve completed it, as an online resource.
How long is the course? It’s a total of 3-4 hours.
Do I have to do it all at once? No. You can do it at your leisure, come and go as required. The program remembers where you left off and brings you back to that point when you next sign-in. You can even do it from different computers. However, the program has to be completed by the December 31certification deadline as stated in Hockey Alberta's Bylaws.
Do I have to take the course every year? No. Once you’ve completed the course you’re done.
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