Hello Everyone,
Fee payment options for this season include paying by:
E-transfer (treasurer@redwaterminorhockey.ca)
Credit Card
For parents who would like to pay with credit card, the link is below. It will take you to a Redwater Rush/RAMP login page. You will be required to set up an account. It is really user friendly. When you get to the payment portion in the Promo Code is AGM. This will also apply the $50 discount.
The $250 Fundraising deposit cheque can be made out to Redwater Minor Hockey Association, and please date for April 1, 2021. They can be handed in to myself or Alfred Lavallee.
Any questions or concerns please don't respond to this email, please email me directly at treasurer@redwaterminorhockey.ca
Thank you,
Fiona Henderson
Treasurer RMHA